I am a final year medical student at the university of Glasgow. I graduated from The University of St Andrews with a First-class Bachelor’s of Science in Medicine. I was placed on the ‘Dean’s List’ for academic excellence for three consecutive years. I transferred to the University of Glasgow to finish my final three years of Medicine. Furthermore, I successfully achieved A’s in both Advanced Higher Chemistry and Biology and Higher Maths.
- Tutor Bio
- Qualifications
University of St Andrews
Bachelor of Science in Medicine
- Trusted Tutor
Personally Interviewed
Each of our tutors is carefully selected through a comprehensive vetting process. They aren’t just knowledgeable in their subjects—they’re experienced educators committed to student success.
Here’s how we ensure you’re in safe hands:
- Personally Interviewed Tutor
- Referenced Checked Tutor
- Disclosure Checked Tutor
- Tutoring Experience
I have been tutoring since the start of 2023. Over this time, I have gained valuable experience which has developed my skills in teaching. I have been able to work with students effectively to improve their knowledge, logic and reasoning.
Having spent a lot of time at University and High School studying for exams, I have tried and tested different ways of effectively absorbing new information. I hope to pass down the tips and tricks which worked for me onto my tutees for them to try out.
- Tutoring Approach
I take an individual approach to each tutee, focusing on the topics they find difficult and using different learning methods/techniques that cater to their learning style. Each session will begin with some starter questions to get the students engaged from the beginning. Then I will introduce a new topic by discussing some theory and working through a few example questions together. This will ensure the foundations of the topic are understood before the student begins to work on questions on their own. I believe there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach when it comes to education. I have had to try several different revision techniques myself before I found what suited my learning style. Occasionally if a student is particularly struggling on a certain topic, I create a homework sheet for them to complete before the next lesson. This means I have more time to focus on the questions they found challenging and therefore use our time together efficiently.
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Online Tutoring Scotland
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We provide Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Physics and English tuition in Scotland at National 3, 4 & 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, following the new Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.
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