Central Tutors

Private Chemistry Tutors Scotland

Chemistry Tutoring

Trusted Chemistry Tutoring

Flexible Booking Schedule

Get Exam ready

Our Chemistry tutors are ready for you

Learn from Scotlands Top Chemistry Tutors

Trusted by parents and young people for exam success

At Central Tutors, we understand that every student is unique and so is their learning journey. Our mission is to help students of all ages and levels to excel in Chemistry by providing tailored tutoring that meets their individual needs.

We believe in a personalised approach to teaching Chemistry. Our tutoring is tailored to address the specific strengths and areas for improvement of each student.
Here’s how we achieve this:

Private Chemistry Tuition

Comprehensive support

plus a wide range of other topics

Get exam ready

Focused revision sessions to prepare for SQA exams

Understand complex topics

Techniques to tackle complex topics like Biochemistry, Organic, and experimental chemistry
Our mission

Personalised Tutors
and lessons

At Central Tutors, we understand that every student is unique and so is their learning journey, our tutors aim to provide you with

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

Hear What Our Students Have to Say!

“We have had two different tutors for our son, I have to say they have been exceptional. He has ADHD and has difficulty with focus; both Jamie and Daniel have worked incredibly well with him and he thoroughly enjoys his tutoring sessions.
They are well thought out lessons are the tutors are personable and so friendly.”
PARENT, National 5 maths

Make Studying Fun!

Browse our team of expert tutors to find the best tutor to help with your young person’s learning.


Teaches: | |

Enthusiastic and friendly tutor with 6 years of experience. Just completed a PhD in Maths.


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Final year medical student with two years of tutoring experience.


Teaches: |

Can teach Maths and Chemistry at any level up to and including Advanced Higher


Teaches: |

“Passionate Chemistry & Biology tutor with a proven track record of fostering academic success. Currently pursuing a BSc (Hons) in Pharmacology at The University of Edinburgh and active member of the British Pharmacological Society. I combine scientific expertise, effective communication, and a student-centred approach to build confidence and inspire achievement.”


Teaches: | |

Maths and Chemistry tutor with over 10 years experience tutoring

Tried and trusted

Top-Rated Tutoring Services

Central Tutors

Online Tutoring Scotland

Get started with an expert tutor selected just for you

We provide Chemistry, Biology, Maths, Physics and English tuition in Scotland at National 3, 4 & 5, Higher and Advanced Higher, following the new Scottish Curriculum for Excellence.

Flexible Times to fit your schedule

Improved confidence and ability

Study in your style

Schedule a FREE call

Fill in your personal details and we will email you back with a 15 minute slot to find the perfect tutor for you


Category: Chemistry
  • Absolutely!: Tutors can assist with preparation for CfE assessments, National Qualifications (NQs), and other chemistry exams, including National 4/5 Chemistry, Higher Chemistry, and Advanced Higher Chemistry.
  • Focused Practice: They provide practice exams, strategies, and targeted instruction to help your child excel.
Category: Chemistry
  • Create a Study Space: Set up a quiet, distraction-free area dedicated to studying chemistry.
  • Stay Informed: Regularly contact the tutor to discuss your child’s progress and address any concerns.
  • Encourage Practice: Ensure your child completes any assignments or practice tasks provided by the tutor.
Category: Chemistry

Highly Qualified Tutors: All our chemistry tutors have strong academic backgrounds, holding Master’s or Honours degrees, and some even have PhDs in chemistry or related fields. Several of our tutors are also certified teachers currently teaching in Scottish schools. At Central Tutors, we pride ourselves on providing the best tutors to support our students.

Category: Chemistry

Proven Reputation: Central Tutors is one of the most reputable tutoring agencies in Scotland, having served hundreds of students over the past 5-10 years. Our reviews on Trustpilot, Google Business, and Facebook highlight our commitment to providing outstanding service. If you’re ever dissatisfied with a session, we offer a full refund for the lesson. This year, in August 2024, 97% of our students passed their exams, with approximately 70% of them obtaining either a grade A or B across the levels National 5, Higher, and Advanced Higher. 

Category: Chemistry

Tailored to Your Needs: The frequency of sessions depends on your child’s specific goals and schedule. Many students benefit from 1-2 sessions per week, but this can be adjusted based on their progress and needs. You and the tutor can decide on the best frequency for lessons.

Category: Chemistry
  • Equally Effective: Online chemistry tutoring can be just as effective as in-person sessions if not more effective, particularly with the use of interactive tools and resources.
  • Convenience: Online tutoring offers flexibility and convenience, eliminating travel time and providing access to a broader range of tutors.
Category: Chemistry
  • Personalised Learning: Our chemistry tutors design lessons specifically tailored to your child’s needs, focusing on challenging areas within chemistry to ensure comprehensive understanding.
  • Exam Preparation: We prepared your child/you with all the exam preparation techniques to pass their exams and reach their full potential. This is done by studying SQA exam papers and thoroughly going through the solutions to the exam-level questions.
  • Curriculum Alignment: Tutors have exceptional knowledge in the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), ensuring that lessons align with current standards. Whether your child is preparing for National 5, Higher, or Advanced Higher Chemistry, we’ve got them covered.
  • Boosting Confidence: One-on-one tutoring and group tuition significantly enhance your child’s confidence in chemistry, reducing any anxiety related to the subject.
  • Mastering Difficult Concepts: Our chemistry tutors guide students through complex concepts, helping them tackle difficult topics and fully preparing them for exams and assessments.
  • Pacing Flexibility: Lessons progress at your child’s pace, ensuring a thorough understanding of each topic before moving on.
Category: Chemistry
  • Communicate: Discuss with the tutor to understand any challenges or obstacles that may be hindering your child’s progress. Communication is key to ensuring a positive tutoring experience and resolving any issues.
  • Evaluate Fit: Ensure that the tutor’s teaching style aligns with your child’s learning style. If necessary, it’s possible to arrange a different tutor to find a better match.
  • Set Goals: Talk to the tutor to understand what might be causing the reasons why progression with your child/you haven’t been made. Communication is really important to ensure that students have a great experience and the issues/problems the students are facing with their course/exam work are properly explained clearly to them. Improvement can take time. Set short-term and long-term goals to track progress. Using the acronym SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound—is a highly effective approach to goal setting.
Category: Chemistry
  • Relevant Degree: All our chemistry tutors hold a degree in chemistry or a related subject, such as chemical engineering. Some tutors are qualified to PhD level, and others are certified teachers in Scottish schools.
  • Experience with CfE: Experience in teaching or tutoring within the Scottish education system and familiarity with the CfE is essential for all our tutors.
  • Strong Interpersonal Skills: Our tutors possess excellent communication skills, patience, and the ability to explain chemistry concepts clearly, ensuring that students feel comfortable and supported.
Category: Chemistry

Initial Assessment: Sessions typically begin with an assessment to gauge your child’s current understanding of chemistry and identify any gaps in their knowledge.

Tailored Lessons: Lessons are customized to address your child’s specific needs and align with CfE chemistry requirements.

Interactive Learning: Expect a mix of teaching, practice, and feedback,utilising resources aligned with the CfE chemistry curriculum.

Regular Updates: Tutors provide consistent updates on your child’s progress, highlighting areas that need further attention. Tutors will also send detailed notes of all lessons undertaken so that parents can track the progress of the lessons. 

Looking for more? we have tutors available for: